
Friday, May 11, 2012

After It Airs (TVD 5/10)

The Vampire Diaries
Season 3 Episode 22 - The Departed

Determined to protect his sister, Jeremy makes a decision that will change everything. In the harsh reality of the present situation, Elena longs for simpler times when her parents, Grayson (guest star Jason MacDonald) and Miranda (guest star Erin Beute), and Aunt Jenna (guest star Sara Canning) were still alive and her biggest concern was her relationship with Matt. Stefan and Damon leave Mystic Falls together on a mission, but soon split up when Elena needs one of them. Caroline and Tyler are forced to make a life-changing decision. Finally, Bonnie makes a secret deal that has heartbreaking consequences. John Behring directed the episode with story by Brett Matthews & Elisabeth R. Finch and teleplay by Julie Plec.  

Favorite Episode Recaps:
The Vampire Diaries: Into the Blue (PHOTO RECAP) -
'The Vampire Diaries' finale recap: Elena and Damon's first encounter (of the close kind) and another watery grave - Zap2it
Vampire Diaries Finale Recap: A Night of Shocks! - TV Line

The Vampire Diaries Episode Recap: "The Departed" - TVGuide 

The Vampire Diaries Finale Recap: Elena Chooses Between Brothers and [Spoiler] Dies! - E!

'The Vampire Diaries' Season 3 Finale Recap: Elena Makes Her Choice - HuffPost TV

'The Vampire Diaries' Season 3 Finale Recap: Heartbreaking Choices, Shocking Deaths - BuddyTV

Review of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES - 'The Departed' - The TV Watchtower  

Favorite Episode Quotes:
Jeremy: When you find your sister unconscious, you call 911. / Damon: Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal!
Damon:Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you not being the dumbest brother on Earth?
Damon: Our life is one big proverbial coin toss.
Alaric: I’m Elena’s guardian. I thought it was strange I didn’t get a phone call.
Caroline: Do you want tea? Maybe some vodka? Both will help you sleep.
Elijah: I will not revive Klaus in yours or even your children’s lifetimes. Perhaps that will finally teach him some manners.
Damon: No! No, no, no, no. Did I mention no?
Tyler: We’ve got to travel light. So what do you need? /Caroline: Just you! Maybe a curling iron...
Damon:You know, I’m not halfway out of Virginia, and Elena sells our souls to the Originals. / Bonnie: It was her call. / Damon: You know what else was her call? Everything bad, ever.
Stefan: That’s just in case there is no later.
Matt: Sorry. I over-honeyed. I suck at tea.
Stefan: An hour’s not enough to get you back to Mystic Falls. / Damon: For us to have our epic goodbye, Stefan? / Stefan: Not us, brother. You and Elena. / Damon: Well, I guess you’ll just have to say goodbye for both of us.
Damon: Since I’m possibly a dead man, can I ask you a question? / Elena: Yeah, of course. / Damon: If it was just down to him and me, and you had to make a choice, who got the goodbye? Who would it be? / Elena: I love him, Damon. / Damon: I get it. Stefan. It’s always going to be Stefan.
Flashback Elena: It’s Mystic Falls. Nothing bad ever happens here.
Damon: You are not dead. You are not dead!

Favorite Scene: Okay it's hard to choose because there were so so so many, but I love love love the triangle between Caroline, Klaus, and Tyler, and this just makes it all the more exciting.
Caroline sobbed as she told Tyler that Klaus was killed. Tyler said: “You’re going to be fine, Caroline. Tell my mother I left town like I was supposed to.” There was some kissing involved. Then he started to feel the effects of dying and told Caroline to run away as he started to turn into a werewolf. Everyone assumed Tyler was now dead. But after Caroline left, Bonnie arrived and Tyler stepped out of the shadows. It was there that we learned that Bonnie did a spell to transfer Klaus to Tyler's body! It was actually Klaus with Caroline the whole time! Gahh! 

Episode Music:
Pink - "So What"
Low vs. Diamond - "Wasted"
Shadow Rewind - "Airplane"
Metric - "Sick Muse"
Sigur Ros - "Dauðalogn"

Episode Promo Trailer:

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